piątek, 25 sierpnia 2023


Witam Państwa,

Dzisiaj wiersz przedstawiający mój punkt widzenia na nasz świat. Kindness.


I woke up in a strange time,

Everyone seems to worship hate.

Everywhere I walk nowadays

I can't see kindness anymore.

Listening to the radio,

Speaker is now a computer.

The cinema no longer entertains,

As they worship the Dark Side now.

Looking at myself in a mirror,

I see only blank canvas.

Every time I close my eyes,

I forsee only darkness.

My son was fired from his job,

Because he refused to turn left.

My brother is now "cancelled",

As he said to let kids be kids.

My wife is being bullied,

Because she follows Christ.

My daughter left us yesterday,

As she joined the Hollywood.

Looking at myself in a mirror,

I see only blank canvas.

Every time I close my eyes,

I forsee only darkness.

I don't know the future at all,

And I may never ever guess.

I cry for little kids born, unborn,

As they will see the worst of Terrans.

I looked at the twilight of Terra,

And my final decision was made.

Until the day humanity goes extinct,

I will be kind, giving a bit of kindness.

Looking at myself in a mirror,

I see the only hope for us.

Every time I close my eyes,

I forsee the lone candle, igniting stars.

Wiktor Kruk,


Dziękuję za uwagę, zapraszam do konstruktywnej krytyki w komentarzach i do zobaczenia za tydzień,

Wiktor Kruk,


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Witam Państwa, Dzisiaj utwór o Wolnym. Zapraszam do lektury. Wolny Wolny jestem, Mam czas teraz. Nic nie muszę robić Dziś i jutro. Świętuję ...