piątek, 1 września 2023

Moving Forward

Witam Państwa,

Dzisiaj kolejny utwór w języku angielskim, opisujący moje własne odczucia na temat podobny, co tydzień temu. Utwór nosi tytuł Moving Forward.

Moving Forward

For many years I walked,

Looking for a solution.

I watched day after day

As the clock stroke twelve.

I knew that something changed,

When a I saw a little girl.

She was smarter than all experts,

When she said this actress is stupid.

Seeing the history changed now,

Woke something in my mind.

Suddenly the lone candle is lit,

And stars are appearing once more.

My sister has told me yesterday,

That films are a dying branch.

”Content” is what is cool now,

AI's greatest creation, this is.

But I heard that little girl again,

And once more she was smart.

I liked that old cartoon mum,

This new one is stupid, mummy.

Seeing the history changed now,

Woke something in my mind.

Suddenly the lone candle is lit,

And stars are appearing once more.

If only we have more little girls,

We would've long fixed the world.

I ask myself every day a question,

When it will happen, my friend?

Little girl and her mum are long gone,

Left to spread the word for all of us.

Now what can I do but move forward,

As there is always work to do?

Seeing the lone candle is lit,

And stars are appearing once more,

Something awoke in my mind,

A feeling I thought I lost - hope.

Wiktor Kruk


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Wiktor Kruk,


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Witam Państwa, Dzisiaj utwór o Wolnym. Zapraszam do lektury. Wolny Wolny jestem, Mam czas teraz. Nic nie muszę robić Dziś i jutro. Świętuję ...