piątek, 16 sierpnia 2024

Archiwum #18 - Old Friend

Witam Państwa,

Dziś kolejny wiersz archiwalny, z kwietnia 2021 roku, w języku angielskim. Opowiada on o dwójce przyjaciół, którzy przeżyli swoje życie. Mam nadzieję, że się spodoba. Za tydzień wiersz na 4 lecie mojego bloga.

Old Friend

Hello, my very old friend,

We together spend so many years,

So we did.

We are very cool to each other,

We saw everything come again,

Beautiful sweets, many cities to visit,

And we saw it all.

I am sure you love me now,

You are my friend now and always,

Hello, my very old friend,

We together spend so many years,

So we did.

I saw you when i was 5,

You were sweet little girl,

I understood then you are my friend,

Now and always.

I am sure you love me now,

You are my friend now and always,

Hello, my very old friend,

We together spend so many years,

So we did.

At 15 we were unseparable,

We played and survived days and nights,

We spend our time outside

Where your greatest treasure I found.

I am sure you love me now,

You are my friend now and always,

Hello, my very old friend,

We together spend so many years,

So we did.

45 we finish today,

We feel great, thank you,

I saw your dress today,

You look amaizing, old friend

I am sure you love me now,

You are my friend now and always,

Hello, my very old friend,

We together spend so many years,

So we did.

Being young is now a dream,

We both feel old now,

We lived our life fully and nicely,

So now we are truly content.

I am sure you love me now,

You are my friend now and always,

Hello, my very old friend,

We together spend so many years,

So we did.

And so we did, old friend

Wiktor Kruk,


Dziękuję za uwagę, zapraszam do konstruktywnej krytyki w komentarzach i do zobaczenia za tydzień,

Wiktor Kruk,


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