sobota, 28 maja 2022

Wiersz po Angielsku

Witam Państwa,

Przepraszam za wczorajszą nieobecność, ale odrobię to wpisem dzisiejszym. Będzie on dotyczył mojego utworu pod tytułem Rise of the New World. Życzę przyjemnej lektury.

Rise of the New World

You can throw time and space on me

You can throw moon on me

But no matter how much you try

You will never make me bend.

They stated they are benevolent,

Good, nice and amazing,

They will make the world better,

First they need to break Terra.

And so they came, for us all,

On 4 am explosions ripped the air,

And all of Time and Space watched

While we made a stand right there.

You can throw time and space on me

You can throw moon on me

But no matter how much you try

You will never make me bend.

Many of us suddenly become united,

There was nothing left to lose,

We fought agressor with everything we’ve got,

But enemy was on capital’s outskirts.

All reserves were thrown,

We all held our breaths,

For hours the battle waged,

When we finally stopped the march.

You can throw time and space on me

You can throw moon on me

But no matter how much you try

You will never make me bend.

The fight will continue 'till the end,

No reserves will be left to stand,

No one will say in the future,

That cowards and fascists we were.

You can throw time and space on me

You can throw moon on me

But no matter how much you try

You will never make me bend.

Wiktor Kruk


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Wiktor Kruk,


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