piątek, 21 lipca 2023

The End of the Empire

Witam Państwa,

Dzisiaj moja najnowsza produkcja, która naprawdę się mi spodobała. Może dlatego, że brzmi bardzo uniwersalnie? A może dlatego, że przesłanie utworu nie jest czymś oczywistym, co rzucam w twarz odbiorcy? Zachęcam mocno do refleksji nad utworem The End of The Empire.

The End of the Empire

Empire is falling apart, everyone can see it,

Even if few are brave enough to acknowlegde.

World believed them to be invincible,

Now the ship is sinking still, you know.

Founders of it are rolling in their graves,

When they see their tarnished legacy.

From creation destruction,

From revolution blankness.

The Empire burns, you know,

The war shall end, I believe.

Then and only then there shall be

From destruction creation.

They conquered entire countries,

When they started to threaten the Empire.

I saw with my very own eyes

How my beloved city burned to ashes.

Before I knew it, I was the bad guy,

Hunted, I finally learned this lesson:

From creation destruction,

From revolution blankness.

The Empire burns, you know,

The war shall end, I believe.

Then and only then there shall be

From destruction creation.

Finally, they seem to get it, my friends,

Even if they refuse to acknowlegde it.

After all, what an Empire can actually do,

When everything turns to universal ash?

Counter Revolution is coming up,

The experts say, but I point a small fact:

From creation destruction,

From revolution blankness.

The Empire burns, you know,

The war shall end, I believe.

Then and only then there shall be

From destruction creation.

Wiktor Kruk,


Dziękuję za uwagę, zapraszam do konstruktywnej krytyki w komentarzach i do zobaczenia za tydzień,

Wiktor Kruk,


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Witam Państwa, Dzisiaj utwór o Wolnym. Zapraszam do lektury. Wolny Wolny jestem, Mam czas teraz. Nic nie muszę robić Dziś i jutro. Świętuję ...