piątek, 16 czerwca 2023

Post numer 100

Witam Państwa,

Prawie dwa lata temu nie zakładałem, że dojdę do dzisiejszej ilości 100 postów. To symbol dla mnie, że nawet jeśli tylko jedna osoba to czyta, to już jest sukces. Mimo tego nie spoczywam na laurach. Dzisiaj utwór napisany wczoraj w języku angielskim, zatytułowany The Fall of the Innocence.

The Fall of the Innocence

They are coming - said a brilliant man,

Ready, united and prepared for war.

Marching in the cities, villages, settlements,

They seek to shape the planet like they wish.

They began by hijacking the kind movement,

Which only wanted to stop persecution.

Perveting it for the greater good of the world,

Prepared to change humanity no matter what.

Unite, Unite, Unite! - I shout to the masses,

We must stand today, else humanity dies!

Instead of unity, activists divide them

With thanderous applause from politicians.

Now they came to schools ready to shape,

to change little kids, harm them permanently.

Labeling their opponents terrorists and racists

They believe themselves totally invincible.

Finally humanity is waking up from deep sleep,

Despite activists numerous dirty deeds.

Now only we need to unite ourselves,

Then and only then we have a shot to live.

Unite, Unite, Unite! - I shout to the masses,

We must stand today, else humanity dies!

Instead of unity, activists divide them

With thanderous applause from politicians.

Any day now, we will make a stand,

Fighting for our future, for little kids.

Innocence might have fallen to the Dark Side,

But the Dark Side have to lose - no other way.

Our grandchildren will be born, will exist,

No matter what they want, desire, shout.

Because if we can't protect Humanity,

You can be damn sure we will avenge it.

Unite, Unite, Unite! - I shout to the masses,

We must stand today, else humanity dies!

And the world, one final time, answered,

With thanderous applause from humanity.

Wiktor Kruk,


Dziękuję za uwagę, zapraszam do konstruktywnej krytyki w komentarzach i do zobaczenia za tydzień,

Wiktor Kruk,


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Witam Państwa, Dzisiaj utwór o Wolnym. Zapraszam do lektury. Wolny Wolny jestem, Mam czas teraz. Nic nie muszę robić Dziś i jutro. Świętuję ...